Nutrition & Exercise

in Pregnancy

How You Fuel Your Body Is Foundational For Lifelong Health & Vitality...

Proper nutrition and a healthy gut are both vital to staying strong all season. Your body has a lot to do in order to keep itself—and you—running smoothly. When you feed it a well-rounded, nutrient-rich diet, supplementing where needed, your body will thank you.

Give Your Body What It Needs

Contemplating a diet change can be overwhelming. But don’t worry, it can be simple. Just keep these two rules in mind: Eat mostly plant-based foods and cut down on processed foods.

Click below and learn more about how you can purposely fuel your body for the lifestyle you want...

  • Exchange juices and sodas for water with a drop of Lemon essential oil.

  • Eat the rainbow: Incorporate multi-colored fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.

  • Supplement you diet with the dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack® to get crucial vitamins and minerals.

  • Limit your intake of highly processed foods.

  • Drink water to stay hydrated.

  • Use dōTERRA Protein, dōTERRA Greens, and dōTERRA Fiber to help you meet your clean eating goals and supplement your nutrition.

The best way to implement lasting change in your diet is to start small. Find a few ways to integrate more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your meals. Cut out a couple of things that aren’t helping you meet your diet goals. Sugary drinks, for example, account for more than 20 percent of the average American’s caloric intake.

If the thought of drinking only water seems boring to you, add a couple drops of essential oil to your next glass. Citrus oils like Lemon and Tangerine add a splash of flavor while also providing a gentle daily cleanse for your body.

There are a lot of things you can do to help making healthy eating a little easier. Planning your meals in advance, being intentional about what foods you purchase at the grocery store, and meal prep can all offer huge rewards for a relatively small amount of effort up front.

The Human Body Is Engineered To Move...

Modern clinical research attests to the broad range of benefits that come from regular exercise.

From decreasing your risk of developing chronic diseases to maintaining a desirable quality of life through old age,

the benefits of regular exercise are both physiological and psychological.

Regular Physical Activity

Is a critical component for life-long health and maintaining quality of life as you age. Whether you are a serious athlete or one who prefers to just maintain an active lifestyle, getting some form of exercise daily is necessary to maintain the strength of your cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems as well as your mental well-being.

How do essential oils fit into all of this?

You can put a few drops of CPTG® Peppermint essential oil into your palms, rub them together, and directly inhale for a quick energizing boost as you head to the gym or hit the trails for the exercise your body needs for long-term health and wellness.

Whether you’re warming up for an intense workout or trying to recover afterward, it is important to keep your muscles in tip-top shape. Certain essential oils have powerful soothing, warming, and cooling properties that are useful for massaging the muscles before and after a workout. Try massaging essential oils with warming or cooling properties to areas like the legs, feet, arms, shoulders, back, and neck to provide soothing comfort to muscles after physical activity.

Black Pepper oil

Cassia oil

Wintergreen oil

Cinnamon Bark oil

Clove oil

Basil oil

Blue Tansy oil

Cardamom oil

Peppermint oil

Deep Blue® Soothing Blend

Want to Get Started With Essential Oils?

Resting, Relaxing, and Combating Fatigue

At the end of your workout, once you’ve had a proper cool down, it’s important to rest before your next workout. Your body needs time to recuperate, and a lack of rest between workouts can lead to injuries from overworking the body. By using essential oils with calming and relaxing properties, you can ensure that you get proper rest before your next workout.

Here are a few ideas for using essential oils to promote rest and relaxation, as well as fight fatigue between workouts.

✔️ If you’re having a difficult time sleeping, diffuse essential oils like Lavender oil or the dōTERRA Serenity® Restful Blend to help create a relaxing atmosphere in your bedroom, that is conducive to sleep.

✔️ Trying to rest and relax before your next workout? Add a few drops of a soothing essential oil like dōTERRA Balance®, Roman Chamomile oil, Lavender oil, Sandalwood oil, or dōTERRA Serenity to a warm bath to calm the body and relax the mind.

✔️ If you’re feeling fatigued or sluggish when it comes time for your next workout, try using invigorating and essential oils to help you feel awake, focused, and energized. Essential oils like Cypress oil, Lime oil, Peppermint oil, or Wild Orange oil are particularly useful for helping you feel alert and ready for your next workout.

Looking for more ways to use essential oils for exercise?

Check out this FREEdōTERRA eBook, Essential Oils and Fitness.


Hydration is key to overall health, but it’s especially important before, during, & after a workout. Because our bodies lose water when we sweat, it’s vital to replenish the body with water and stay hydrated. Dehydration will weaken your body & can lead to serious health issues.

Do you have trouble remembering to hydrate before or after your workout?

Turn plain water into a refreshing, flavorful beverage with the addition of essential oils. Citrus essential oils like Lemon oil, Lime oil, Grapefruit oil, Wild Orange oil, or Bergamot oil can add a tasty, invigorating flavor to your water.

Consider adding a few drops of an oil to your water before a workout to help make sure you get the hydration you need.

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